safety & ethical considerations
Is hypnotherapy safe?
Hypnosis is a very safe procedure if properly and responsibly used. Like many other things in life (including cars, fire, and the Internet) if used inappropriately it may cause problems. A few basic safeguards will help you avoid this.
Do not undergo hypnosis when you are under the influence of alcohol or 'recreational drugs'.
If you take medication, have any on-going physical or emotional problems, or you have been treated for mental health issues in the past, make sure your Hypnotherapist knows about it.
Don't choose your therapist only by price or geography. Make sure you're seeing the right person by meeting them or chatting on the phone before booking.
Always see a member of a recognised hypnotherapy association, like the General Hypnotherapy Register or the British Institute of Hypnotherapy. You can double check someone's membership is up to date and genuine as most professional bodies list their practitioner level members online.
Hypnotherapy training is only subject to voluntary regulations, so the standard can be patchy. Check what training your therapist had. Don't see anyone who only trained for a weekend or even over two or three months, or who has only completed a distance learning course.
Your therapist should undertake supervision and ongoing training (called CPD). Ask what they do in this regard.
Check that your therapist's certificates and insurance documents are up to date and that their membership of any professional body is at Practitioner level.
Most hypnotherapists are not doctors or psychologists. Make sure your therapist would be willing to refer you on to someone more appropriate if the occasion arises.
Hypnosis can be an excellent way to reduce pain and control other long-term symptoms without side effects. However, as pain is the body's warning system, it is very important to have the underlying problem properly diagnosed. You should be asked to obtain your doctor's permission before starting hypnotherapy for pain relief or other medical problems, and you should continue with medication unless your doctor tells you otherwise.
Make sure your therapist abides by a clearly stated code of ethics, and that there is a complaints procedure you can use if you feel the code has been breached.
Can everyone use hypnotherapy?
Most people can use hypnotherapy safely if they follow the guidelines given here and if they see a hypnotherapist who is trained to work with the issue they want to address. However, there are a few 'contraindications', which basically means that some people either shouldn't use hypnosis or should use it with a few extra safeguards.
I might not be able to work with you if:
you have epilepsy and/or have experienced seizures within the last year
you have a recent history of hospitalisation for eating disorders
you have a diagnosis of a psychotic illness and/or experience psychotic episodes
you have a recent history of suicidal thoughts or suicide attempts
you are addicted to 'hard' drugs
You might need to use hypnotherapy with care if:
you are prescribed certain medications
you are currently suffering from severe depression
you have diabetes which is treated with medication
you have other issues with your mental health
you are dependent on or addicted to alcohol
If you're not sure if this applies to you, or you want more information about why I am publishing these restrictions, or whether I can work with you, please contact me in confidence and ask.
Information on this page is a guideline and is not intended to replace medical advice. If you have symptoms which might indicate any condition needing a medical diagnosis or care you should visit your GP.